Burning Within the Village Limits ... ?
Burning within a village is regulated by village ordinance, check with your village clerk.
Are Burning Permits Required ... ?
Burning Permits are required from Jan 1 to June 1 whenever the ground is not snow covered. There is no burning on Sundays and Holidays.
What Are the Hours I Can Burn ... ?
Once you have received a burn permit the hours of burn are from 4:00pm until midnight. Fire must be supervised at all times.
Are Open Fires Banned ... ?
We will update if a burning ban goes into effect. The DNR will advise you at the time burning permit is issued.
Where are Burning Permits Available... ?
The annual burning permit can be obtained at Amherst Fire District, a DNR Ranger Station or by designated Emergency Fire Warden. See website at www.dnr.wi.gov/forestry/fire or by calling 1-888-WIS-BURN for more information
Carbon Monoxide, What you Need to Know... ?
You can find information on Wisconsin's New Carbon Monoxide (CO) Law by clicking here
How Do I Apply for a Position... ?
Under the membership tab, click "Join Our Team". Fill out the application under the "application downloads" at the bottom of the page.